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RFC 2126:
ISO Transport Service on top of TCP (ITOT)


Network Working Group                                     Y. Pouffary
Request for Comments: 2126              Digital Equipment Corporation
Category: Standards Track                                    A. Young
                                                     ISODE Consortium
                                                           March 1997

               ISO Transport Service on top of TCP (ITOT)

Status of the Memo

   This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the
   Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for
   improvements.  Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet
   Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state
   and status of this protocol.  Distribution of this memo is unlimited.


   This document is a revision to STD35, RFC1006 written by Marshall T.
   Rose and Dwight E. Cass. Since the release of RFC1006 in May 1987,
   much experience has been gained in using ISO transport services on
   top of TCP. This document refines the protocol and will eventually
   supersede RFC1006.

   This document describes the mechanism to allow ISO Transport Services
   to run over TCP over IPv4 or IPv6. It also defines a number of new
   features, which are not provided in RFC1006.

   The goal of this version is to minimise the number of changes to
   RFC1006 and ISO 8073 transport protocol definitions, while maximising
   performance, extending its applicability and protecting the installed
   base of RFC1006 users.

Table of Contents

   1. Introduction, Motivation.....................................2
   2. The Model....................................................3
   2.1 ISO Transport Model.........................................3
   2.2 ISO Transport over TCP (ITOT) Model.........................4
   2.3 Overview of Protocol and Service............................5
   3 Service Definition............................................5
   3.1 Transport Service Definition................................5
   3.1.1 Transport Service Definition Primitives...................6
   3.2 Network Service Definition..................................7
   3.2.1 ISO 8348 CONS primitives..................................7
   3.2.2 TCP Service primitives....................................8
   3.2.3 Mapping TCP as a Network Service Provider.................8

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RFC 2126              ISO Transport on top of TCP             March 1997 Network Connection Establishment........................8 Network Data Transfer...................................9 Network Connection Release.............................10
   4. Transport Protocol Specification............................10
   4.1 Class 0 over TCP...........................................10
   4.1.1 Connection Establishment.................................11
   4.1.2 Data Transfer............................................11
   4.1.3 Connection Release.......................................11
   4.2 Class 2 over TCP...........................................12
   4.2.1 Connection Establishment.................................12
   4.2.2 Data Transfer............................................13
   4.2.3 Connection Release.......................................15
   4.3 TPKT Packet Format.........................................15
   5. Address representations.....................................16
   5.1 String representation of ITOT access point addresses.......17
   5.2 OSI Network Address encoding...............................17
   6. Notes to Implementors.......................................17
   6.1 TCP Connection Establishment...............................17
   6.2 TCP Data transfer..........................................17
   6.3 Class negotiation..........................................18
   6.4 Default maximum TPDU size..................................18
   6.5 Class 0 TPDU bit encoding..................................18
   6.6 Class 2 Options............................................19
   6.7 Class 2 Expedited Data Acknowledgement.....................21
   6.8 Class 2 Normal Data and Expedited Data handling............21
   6.9 Class 2 Forward Connection procedure.......................22
   6.10 TPKT......................................................22
   7. Rationale - Interoperability with RFC1006...................22
   8. Security Considerations.....................................23
   Authors' Addresses.............................................25

1. Introduction, Motivation

   There are two basic approaches which can be taken when "porting" ISO
   applications to TCP/IP ([RFC793],[RFC791]) and IPv6 [IPV6]
   environments. One approach is to port each individual application
   separately, developing local protocols on top of TCP. A second
   approach is based on the notion of layering the ISO Transport Service
   over TCP/IP. This approach solves the problem for all applications
   which use the ISO Transport Service. This document describes the
   second approach.

   The protocol described in this memo is based on the observation that
   both the Internet Protocol Suite and the ISO Protocol Suite are
   layered systems.  A key aspect of the layering principle is that of
   layer-independence.  The concept of layer-independence means that if

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   one preserves the services offered by a particular layer (the
   Service-Provider) then the Service-User at that layer is completely
   unaffected by changes in the underlying layers or by the protocol
   used within the layer.

   This document defines a Transport Service which appears to be
   identical to the Services and Interfaces offered by the ISO Transport
   Service Definition [ISO8072], but which will in fact implement the
   ISO Transport Protocol [ISO8073] on top of TCP/IP (IPv4 or IPv6),
   rather than the ISO Network Service [ISO8348].

   The basis of this document is STD35, RFC1006 [RFC1006] written by
   Marshall T. Rose and Dwight E. Cass and it defines two transport
   classes of service.  Transport Class 0 refines and supersedes the
   RFC1006 protocol and is aimed at preserving the RFC1006 installed
   base.  Transport Class 2 defines a number of new features which are
   not provided in RFC1006, such as independence of Normal and Expedited
   Data channels and Explicit Transport Disconnection. These new
   features are largely based on RFC1859 [RFC1859] and extend the
   applicability of RFC1006 to new groups of applications.

   This document specifies changes to the standards mentioned above and
   must be read in the context of the above mentioned standards. It will
   not be meaningful on its own.

   The 'well known' TCP port 102 is reserved for hosts which implement
   the Protocol described in this document. Note that the Protocol does
   not mandate the use of TCP port 102 for all connections.

2. The Model

   This section describes the differences between the model used by the
   ISO Transport and that described in this document.

2.1 ISO Transport Model

   The ISO 8072 standard describes the ISO Transport Service Definition
   (TS).  The ISO Transport Service Definition describes the services
   offered by the Transport Service Provider and the interfaces used to
   access these services.

   The ISO 8073 standard describes the ISO Transport Protocol
   Specification (TP).  The ISO Transport Protocol specifies common
   encoding rules and a number of classes of transport protocol
   procedure which can be used with different network Quality of

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RFC 2126              ISO Transport on top of TCP             March 1997

   The ISO 8348 standard describes the ISO Network Service Definition
   (NS).  The ISO Network Service Definition describes the services
   offered by the network service Provider and the interfaces used to
   access these services.

   The ISO Network Service specifies two type of service:

   - Connection Oriented Network Service (CONS)

   - ConnectionLess Network Service (CLNS)

   The ISO Transport Protocol specifies five classes of procedures when
   operating over CONS and one class of procedure when operating over

   The relationship of these ISO standards is illustrated below:

            Transport Service User
              |-ISO Transport Service Definition [ISO8072]
         |  Transport Service Provider                      |
         |  ISO Transport Protocol Specification [ISO8073]  |
              |-ISO Network Service Definition [ISO8348]

2.2 ISO Transport over TCP (ITOT) Model

   This document defines a model which provides ISO Transport Service,
   with minor extensions, running over TCP.

   The ISO 8072 Transport Service is supported with minor modifications.
   See section 3.1.

   The ISO 8073 Transport Protocol with some modifications is used to
   provide the modified Transport Service.

   The Transmission Control Protocol is used in place of the ISO 8348 to
   provide a CONS like service. See section 4.

   This document specifies a simple encapsulation mechanism between the
   modified ISO 8073 Transport Protocol and the TCP.

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   ISO 8073 Transport Protocol specifies five classes when operating
   over ISO 8348 CONS. This document specifies how to operate class 0
   and 2 over TCP. This document does not prevent use of other classes
   from operating over TCP, but their specification is beyond the scope
   of this document.

   The relationship of these standards is illustrated below:

            Transport Service User
              |-ISO Transport Service (modified)
         |  Transport Service Provider                      |
         |  ISO Transport Protocol (modified) Specification |
              |-TCP as a Connection Oriented Network Service

2.3 Overview of Protocol and Service

   This document defines use of the ISO Transport Protocol (with some
   extensions) running over TCP. Two variants of the protocol are
   defined, "Class 0 over TCP" and "Class 2 over TCP", which are based
   closely on the ISO Transport Class 0 and 2 Protocol.

   Section 3 defines the Service offered to the Transport User by this
   protocol, and shows the differences from the ISO Transport Service.
   The mapping between the Service primitives in the ISO Network Service
   and TCP are defined. Section 4 defines the Transport Protocol.

3 Service Definition

   This section describes the Transport Service offered to the Transport
   User.  It also defines the mapping between the Network Service
   Definition and the TCP Service Definition.

3.1 Transport Service Definition

   ISO 8072 Transport Service is supported with the following

   - Use of Quality of Service parameter is not defined

   - Access to Non-disruptive Transport Disconnection

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3.1.1 Transport Service Definition Primitives

   Information is transferred to and from the TS-User in the Transport
   Service primitives listed below:


         - a TS-User indicates that it wants to establish transport

         - a TS-User indicates that it will honour the request

         - a TS-User indicates that the transport connection is to
           be closed

         - a TS-User sends data

         - a TS-User sends "expedited" data


         - a TS-User is notified that a transport connection
           establishment is in progress

         - a TS-User is notified that the transport connection has been

         - a TS-User is notified that the transport connection is closed

         - a TS-User is notified that data can be read from the transport

         - a TS-User is notified that expedited data can be read from
           the transport connection

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3.2 Network Service Definition

   This section describes how TCP is used to provide ISO 8348 CONS.

3.2.1 ISO 8348 CONS primitives

   Information is transferred to and from the NS-provider in the Network
   Service Primitives listed below:


         - a NS-user indicates that it wants to establish a network

         - a NS-user indicates that it will honour the request

         - a NS-user indicates that the network connection is to be

         - a NS-user sends data

         - a NS-user sends "expedited" data


         - a NS-user is notified that a network connection establishment
           is in progress

         - a NS-user is notified that the network connection has been

         - a NS-user is notified that the network connection is closed

         - a NS-user is notified that data can be read from the network

         - a NS-user is notified that expedited data can be read from
           the connection

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3.2.2 TCP Service primitives

   The mapping between, ISO 8348 CONS primitives and TCP Service
   primitives, defined in this document assumes that the TCP offers the
   following service primitives:


         - PASSIVE open on given port

         - ACTIVE open to the given port

        - data is read from the connection

        - data is sent on the connection

        - the connection is closed (pending data is sent)


        - open succeeded (either ACTIVE or PASSIVE)

        - ACTIVE open failed

        - Data can be read from the connection

        - the connection has errored and is now closed

        - an orderly disconnection has started

3.2.3 Mapping TCP as a Network Service Provider Network Connection Establishment

   In order to perform a N-CONNECT.REQUEST action, the TS-Provider
   performs a TCP-OPEN_PORT to the desired IPv4 or IPv6 address using
   the selected TCP port. When the TCP signals either success or
   failure, this results in an N-CONNECT.INDICATION action.

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   In order to await a N-CONNECT.INDICATION event, a server performs a
   TCP-LISTEN_PORT to the selected TCP port.  When a client successfully
   connects to this port, the TCP-CONNECTED event occurs and an implicit
   N-CONNECT.RESPONSE action is performed.

   Mapping parameters between the TCP service and the ISO 8348 CONS
   service is done as follow:

   Network Service                 TCP
   ---------------                 ---

           Called address          server's IPv4 or IPv6 address
                                   and TCP port number.

           Calling address         client's IPv4 or IPv6 address

           all others parameters   ignored

   Please also refer to 'Notes to Implementors' section 6.1.

   TCP port 102 is reserved for implementations conforming to this
   specification.  Use of any TCP port is conformant to this
   specification. Network Data Transfer

   In order perform a N-DATA.REQUEST action, the TS-provider constructs
   the desired transport protocol data unit (TPDU), encapsulates the
   TPDU in a discrete unit called TPKT and uses the TCP-SEND_DATA
   primitive.  Please also refer to 'Notes to Implementors' section 6.2.

   In order to trigger a N-DATA.INDICATION action, the TCP indicates
   that data is ready through TCP-DATA_READY event and a TPKT is read
   using the TCP-READ_DATA primitive.

   Mapping parameters between the TCP service and the ISO 8348 CONS
   service is done as follow:

   Network Service                 TCP
   ---------------                 ---

           NS User Data (NSDU)     DATA

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RFC 2126              ISO Transport on top of TCP             March 1997 Network Connection Release

   In order to perform an N-DISCONNECT.REQUEST action, the TS-provider
   simply closes the TCP connection through TCP-CLOSE primitive.

   In order to trigger a N-DISCONNECT.INDICATION, the TCP indicates that
   the connection has been closed through TCP-CLOSE event.  If the TCP
   connection has failed the TCP indicates that the connection has been
   closed through TCP-ERRORED event, this trigger a N-

   Mapping parameters between the TCP service and the ISO 8348 CONS
   service is done as follow:

   Network Service                 TCP
   ---------------                 ---

           all parameters          ignored

4. Transport Protocol Specification

   ISO 8073 Transport Protocol Classes 0 and 2 are supported with
   extensions as defined in each subsections below.

   A Transport Protocol class is selected for a particular transport
   connection based on the requirements of the TS-User.

   ISO 8073 Transport Protocol exchanges information between peers in
   discrete units of information called transport protocol data units
   (TPDU). The protocol defined in this document encapsulates these
   TPDUs in discrete units termed Packets (TPKT).

   This document mandates the implementation of ISO 8073 Transport
   Protocol options negotiation (which includes class negotiation).

   Please refer to 'Notes to Implementors' section 6.3 with respect to
   Class negotiation and to the 'Rationale' section 7. with respect to
   Interoperability with RFC1006.

4.1 Class 0 over TCP

   Class 0 provides the functions needed for connection establishment
   with negotiation, data transfer with segmentation, and protocol error
   reporting.  It provides Transport Connection with flow control based
   on that of the NS-provider (TCP).  It provides Transport
   Disconnection based on the NS-provider Disconnection.

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   Class 0 is suitable for data transfer with no Explicit Transport

4.1.1 Connection Establishment

   The principles used in connection establishment are based upon those
   described in ISO 8073, with the following extensions:

   - Connect Data may be exchanged using the user data fields
     of Connect Request (CR) and Connect Confirm (CC) TPDUs

   - Use of "Expedited Data Transfer Service" may be negotiated
     using the negotiation mechanism specified in ISO 8073. The
     default is to not use "Expedited Data Transfer Service".

   - Non-standard TPDU size may be negotiated using the negotiation
     mechanism specified in ISO 8073. The maximum TPDU size is 65531
     octets. The Default maximum TPDU size is 65531 octets.
     Please refer to 'Notes to Implementors' section 6.4.

4.1.2 Data Transfer

   The elements of procedure used during transfer are based upon those
   presented in ISO 8073, with the following extension:

      - Expedited Data may be supported (if negotiated during connection
        establishment) by sending the defined Expedited Data (ED) TPDU.

   The ED TPDU is sent inband on the same TCP connection as all of the
   other TPDUs.

   To support Expedited Data a non-standard TPDU is defined. The format
   used for the ED TPDU is nearly identical to the format for the Normal
   Data (DT) TPDU. The only difference between ED TPDU and DT TPDU is
   that the value used for the TPDU code is ED and not DT. The size of a
   Expedited Data user data field is 1 to 16 octets.

   For TPDU bit encoding please refer to 'Notes to Implementors' section

4.1.3 Connection Release

   The elements of procedure used during a connection release are
   identical to those presented in ISO 8073.

   Transport Disconnection is based on the NS-provider (TCP)
   Disconnection and is therefore disruptive.

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4.2 Class 2 over TCP

   Class 2 provides the functions needed for connection establishment
   with negotiation, data transfer with segmentation, and protocol error
   reporting.  It provides Transport Connection with flow control based
   on that of the NS-provider (TCP). It provides Explicit Transport

   Class 2 is suitable when independence of Normal and Expedited Data
   channels are required or when Explicit Transport Disconnection is

4.2.1 Connection Establishment

   The principles used in connection establishment are based upon those
   described in ISO 8073, with the following extensions:

   - Connection Request and Connection Confirmation TPDUs may
     negotiate use of "Transport Expedited Data Transfer" service.
     "Transport Expedited Data Transfer" service is selected
     by setting bit 1 of the "Additional Option" parameter,
     and is negotiated using the mechanism specified in ISO 8073.

     The default is to not use "Transport Expedited Data Transfer

   - Connection Request and Connection Confirmation TPDUs may
     negotiate use of "Expedited Data Acknowledgement".
     "Expedited Data Acknowledgement" is selected by setting
     bit 6 of the "Additional Option" parameter, and is
     negotiated using the mechanism specified in ISO 8073.

     The default is to not use "Expedited Data Acknowledgement"
     for Expedited Data transfer.

   - Connection Request and Connection Confirmation TPDUs may
     negotiate use of the "Non-blocking Expedited Data" service.
     "Non-blocking Expedited Data" is selected by setting
     bit 7 of the "Additional Option" parameter, and is
     negotiated using the mechanism specified in ISO 8073.

     The default is to not use the "Non-blocking Expedited
     Data" service.

   - Connection Request and Connection Confirmation TPDUs may
     negotiate use of either "Forward Connection (Splitting
     and Recombining)" or "Reverse Connection" procedure for
     Expedited Data transfer.

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     Use of "Forward Connection" or use of "Reverse Connection"
     procedure is selected by setting bit 4 of the "Additional
     Option" parameter, and is negotiated using the mechanism
     specified in ISO 8073.

     The default is to use "Forward Connection" procedure for
     Expedited Data transfer.

   - Connection Request and Connection Confirmation TPDUs must not
     negotiate the use of "Explicit Flow Control".

   - Non-standard TPDU size may be negotiated using the negotiation
     mechanism specified in ISO 8073. The maximum TPDU size is 65531
     octets. The default maximum TPDU size is 65531 octets.
     Please refer to 'Notes to Implementors' section 6.4.

   In the absence of a Flow Control policy, the use of ISO 8073
   Multiplexing procedure lead to degradation of the quality of service.
   The Protocol defined in this document does not supported

   For the values of the "Additional Option" parameter please refer to
   'Notes to Implementors' section 6.6.

   For Class 2 options Profile please also refer to 'Notes to
   Implementors' section 6.6.

4.2.2 Data Transfer

   The elements of procedure used during transfer are based upon those
   presented in ISO 8073, with the following extensions:

   - Expedited Data may be supported (if negotiated during connection
     establishment) by sending Expedited Data (ED) TPDU.

   - "Expedited Data Acknowledgement" may be supported (if negotiated
     during connection establishment) by sending Expedited Data
     Acknowledgement (EA) TPDU.

     When using "Expedited Data Acknowledgement", ED TPDUs require
     acknowledgement, and once an ED TPDU is transmitted no further
     DT/ED TPDUs may be sent until the outstanding ED TPDU has been

     When non-use of "Expedited Data Acknowledgement" has been
     negotiated, ED TPDUs require no acknowledgement, and further DT/ED
     TPDUs may be sent immediatly.

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     Please refer to 'Notes to Implementors' section 6.7 and section

   - "Non-blocking Expedited Data" service may be supported (if
     negotiated during connection establishment).

     When using "Non-blocking Expedited Data" service, the sender of an
     ED TPDU shall send the ED TPDU on both the Normal Data and
     Expedited Data TCP connections. Transmission of subsequent DT TPDU
     will not be interrupted.  The receiver of ED TPDU counts how many
     ED TPDU it has seen on each TCP connection, and will only deliver
     to the TS-User the ED TPDU from the TCP connection with the higher

     When non-use of "Non-blocking Expedited Data" has been negotiated,
     ED TPDUs will not be duplicated.

     Please refer to 'Notes to Implementors' section 6.7 and section

   - For Expedited Data transfer, there are two possible
     procedures for the establishment and assignment of the Expedited
     Data TCP connection. Which one is used is negotiated during
     connection establishment.

     Both the "Forward Connection" procedure and "Reverse Connection"
     procedure guarantee independence of the Normal Data TCP connection
     from the Expedited Data TCP connection. They also ensure that a
     busy Normal Data TCP connection cannot block an Expedited Data TCP

     The Expedited Data TCP connection created by either procedure must
     be between the same pair of hosts as the Normal Data TCP
     connection, must not be shared among Transport Connections, and
     must remain established until the Transport Connection is
     terminated, at which time it must be closed.

     TCP connections created for Expedited Data transfer should also use
     the TCP primitives defined in this document.

     The Forward Connection (Splitting and Recombining) procedure is
     defined in ISO 8073. This procedure allows a transport connection
     to make use of multiple TCP connections. Please refer to 'Notes to
     Implementors' section 6.9.

     The Reverse Connection procedure is not defined in ISO 8073.  When
     using the Reverse Connection procedure the initiator of a Transport
     Connection creates a Normal Data TCP connection using an

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     arbitrarily-chosen local TCP port 'x' and a known remote TCP port
     (either the ITOT well-known port, or some other). The initiator
     listens for an incoming TCP connection on the TCP port 'x'. The
     responder of the Transport Connection must create a second TCP
     connection (to be used for Expedited Data) using an arbitrarily-
     chosen local TCP port 'y' and the remote TCP port 'x' , before it
     can issue a CC TPDU on the Normal Data TCP connection. The
     initiator need not listen for further TCP connections on port 'x'
     after the Expedited Data TCP connection is established.

4.2.3 Connection Release

   The elements of procedure used during a connection release are based
   upon those described in ISO 8073. A connection can be terminated by
   the TS-user in one of two ways:

   - Disruptive Disconnect

   - Non-Disruptive Disconnect

   Disconnect Request (DR) and Disconnect Confirm (DC) TPDUs are
   exchanged in both cases. The DR TPDU carries a Reason code indicating
   the reason for the Disconnection.

   Disruptive Disconnect specifies that all TPDUs still at the source
   are not required to be sent to the destination before the connection
   is disconnected. The DR Reason code is normal (80 hex).

   Non-Disruptive Disconnect specifies that all TPDUs already given to
   the local TS-provider must be delivered to the remote TS-user, before
   the connection is disconnected. The DR Reason code is normal (80 hex)
   with Additional Information parameter value set to 80 hex.

4.3 TPKT Packet Format

   A fundamental difference between the TCP and the ISO Network Service
   expected by ISO Transport is that the TCP manages a continuous stream
   of octets, with no explicit boundaries.

   ISO Transport expects information to be sent and delivered in
   discrete objects termed Network Service Data Units (NSDU). Although
   ISO Transport allows combination of more than one TPDU inside a
   single NSDU for the purposes of discussion an NSDU is identical to a
   TPDU. Please refer to ISO 8073 for the valid set of concatenated

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   The protocol described by this memo uses a simple packetization
   scheme in order to delimit TPDU.  Each packet (TPKT), is viewed as an
   object of variable length composed of an integral number of octets.

   A TPKT consists of two part:

   - a Packet Header

   - a TPDU.

   The format of the Packet Header is constant regardless of the type of
   TPDU. The format of the Packet Header is as follows:

   |version |reserved| packet length  |             TPDU             |
   <8 bits> <8 bits> <   16 bits    > <       variable length       >


   - Protocol Version Number
     length: 8 bits
     Value:  3

   - Reserved
     length: 8 bits
     Value:  0 - (See 'Notes to Implementors' section 6.10)

   - Packet Length
     length: 16 bits
     Value:  Length of the entire TPKT in octets, including Packet

   - TPDU
     ISO Transport TPDU as defined in ISO 8073 and as defined in this

5. Address representations

   It is desirable to be able to represent ITOT access point addresses

      - Printable strings

      - OSI Network Addresses (often known as NSAP addresses
        or simply NSAPAs)

   This section defines the formats which MUST be used in each case.

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5.1 String representation of ITOT access point addresses

   RFC1278 [RFC1278] defines a general string representation for OSI
   Presentation Addresses, including specific reference to RFC1006
   addresses which encapsulate IPv4 addresses. RFC1278 is also
   applicable to ITOT addresses which encapsulate IPv4 addresses.

   This RFC is currently being updated to define a string representation
   for ITOT addresses which encapsulate IPv6 addresses.

   ITOT access point address string representation specify an IP address
   (IPv4 or IPv6) and an optional TCP port number.

5.2 OSI Network Address encoding

   RFC1277 [RFC1277] defines a general mechanism to encode addressing
   information within OSI Network Addresses (NSAPA), including specific
   reference to RFC1006 using IPv4. RFC1277 is also applicable to ITOT
   addresses using IPv4.

   The RFC "IPv6 addresses inside an NSAPA" [IPv6] defines general
   mechanisms for the support of NSAP addressing in an IPv6 network. It
   also defines how to embed an IPv6 address inside a OSI NSAP address.

   This RFC is applicable to ITOT addresses using IPv6. For ITOT
   addresses, the default selector of the NSAPA is defined to have the
   value '10000000'B.

   It should be noted that given that an IPv6 addresses can encode IPv4
   addresses, this format can also encode ITOT addresses using IPv4.

6. Notes to Implementors

6.1 TCP Connection Establishment

   Implementors should be aware that ISO transport protocols assume that
   they will be told by the network service provider (in this case
   TCP/IP) when the network connection being used to transmit their
   TPDUs is unexpectedly terminated.  It is therefore strongly suggested
   that the TCP keep alive mechanism be selected, as this ensures
   reporting of network connection loss.

6.2 TCP Data transfer

   For performance reason it is suggested that the Nagle algorithm [RFC
   896] be disabled (using the TCP_NODELAY socket option). This feature
   allows TPKT data to be sent without delay.

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6.3 Class negotiation

   The principle used in Class negotiation is identical to those
   described in ISO 8073. Class and options are negotiated during
   Connection establishment. The choice made by the Transport will
   depend upon the TS-User requirements as expressed via T-CONNECT
   service primitives.

   The initiator of the Transport Connection proposes a preferred class
   and may propose an alternative class.

   The responder selects one class defined in the table below.

   If the preferred class is not selected then on receipt of the connect
   confirm TPDU the initiator adjusts its operation according to the
   class selected.

   |           Proposed in CR TPDU               |      CC TPDU         |
   |                                             |                      |
   |Preferred class     |    Alternative class   |      Response        |
   |                    |                        |                      |
   |class 0             |    none                |      class 0         |
   |                    |                        |                      |
   |class 2             |    class 0             |      class 2 or 0    |
   |                    |                        |                      |
   |class 2             |    none                |      class 2         |
   |                    |                        |                      |

6.4 Default maximum TPDU size

   The default maximum TPDU size value specified in this document breaks
   ISO Transport negotiation rule which states that the maximum TPDU
   size specified or defaulted by the CC TPDU cannot be greater than the
   maximum TPDU size proposed by the CR TPDU.

   To avoid the consequences of this, it is strongly recommended that
   the CC TPDU always specifies the maximum TPDU size value.

6.5 Class 0 TPDU bit encoding

   This protocol no longer allows credit and TPDU-NR (bits 0 to 6)
   fields to be ignored on input, which is in line with ISO 8073
   encoding rules.  RFC1006 TPDU encoding defined inconsistent encoding

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6.6 Class 2 Options

   Class 2 Additional Option parameter value

   |  BIT   |                    OPTION                                 |
   |        |                                                           |
   |    8   | Not applicable                                            |
   |        |                                                           |
   |    7   | = 1 Use of Non-blocking Expedited Data                    |
   |        | = 0 Non-use of Non-blocking Expedited Data (default)      |
   |        |                                                           |
   |(*) 6   | = 1 Use of Expedited Data Acknowledgement                 |
   |        | = 0 non-use of Expedited Data Acknowledgement (default)   |
   |        |                                                           |
   |    5   | Not applicable                                            |
   |        |                                                           |
   |(*) 4   | = 1 Use of Reverse Connection procedure                   |
   |        | = 0 Use of Forward Connection procedure (default)         |
   |        |                                                           |
   |    3   | Not applicable                                            |
   |        |                                                           |
   |    2   | Not applicable                                            |
   |        |                                                           |
   |    1   | = 1 Use of Transport Expedited Data Service               |
   |        | = 0 Non-use of Transport Expedited Data Service (default) |
   |        |                                                           |

   (*) In ISO 8073, bit 4 is defined as use of "Network Expedited"  and
   bit 6 is defined as "Request Acknowledgement".

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   Class 2 Options Profile

   |  Bits     Service selected                                         |
   | 1 4 6 7                                                            |
   | 0 x x x   Non-use of Transport Expedited Data Service              |
   |           ---------------------------------------------------------|
   |                        Bits 4 6 7 are not applicable (*)           |
   | 1 x x x   Use of Transport Expedited Data Service                  |
   |           ---------------------------------------------------------|
   | 1 0 x x       Use of Expedited Data Service with Forward Connection|
   |               -----------------------------------------------------|
   | 1 0 1 0                Forward Connection with Expedited Data      |
   |                        Acknowledgement                             |
   | 1 0 1 1                Forward Connection with Expedited Data      |
   |                        Acknowledgement and use of Non-blocking     |
   |                        Expedited Data  (**)                        |
   |                        --------------------------------------------|
   | 1 0 0 0                Forward Connection with non-use of Expedited|
   |                        Data Acknowledgement  (***)                 |
   | 1 0 0 1                Forward Connection with non-use of Expedited|
   |                        Data Acknowledgement and use of Non-blocking|
   |                        Expedited Data                              |
   |               -----------------------------------------------------|
   | 1 1 x x       Use of Expedited Data Service with Reverse Connection|
   |               -----------------------------------------------------|
   | 1 1 1 0                Reverse Connection with Expedited Data      |
   |                        Acknowledgement                             |
   | 1 1 1 1                Reverse Connection with Expedited Data      |
   |                        Acknowledgement and use of Non-blocking     |
   |                        Expedited Data  (**)                        |
   |                        --------------------------------------------|
   | 1 1 0 0                Reverse Connection with non-use of Expedited|
   |                        Data Acknowledgement  (***)                 |
   | 1 1 0 1                Reverse Connection with non-use of Expedited|
   |                        Data Acknowledgement and use of Non-blocking|
   |                        Expedited Data                              |

   (*) Note the default (0000) provides an RFC1006-like service with
   Explicit Transport Disconnection.

   (**) Note in this case use of Expedited Data Acknowledgement with use
   of Non-blocking Expedited Data is a wasted effort (See section 6.5)

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   (***) Note in this case Normal and Expedited Data TPDU are not
   synchronised. (See section 6.6)

6.7 Class 2 Expedited Data Acknowledgement

   The Protocol specified in this document does not define any
   relationship between use of "Expedited Data Acknowledgement" option
   and use of "Non-blocking Expedited Data" service.

   However please note that when using "Non-blocking Expedited Data"
   service it is a wasted effort to use "Expedited Data
   Acknowledgement", since ED TPDUs are duplicated and sent on both the
   Normal Data and Expedited Data TCP connections.

6.8 Class 2 Normal Data and Expedited Data handling

   There exist two separate application requirements for using Expedited

   1- Synchronisation of the order of delivery between Normal
      and Expedited Data TPDU.

   2- Independence of Normal and Expedited data channels. A busy
      Normal Data channel should not block an Expedited Data channel.

   The protocol described in this document can accommodate both
   requirements, separately or in combination.

      If synchronised order of delivery between Normal and Expedited
      Data TPDU is required then use of either "Expedited Data
      Acknowledgement" TPDU or use of the "Non-blocking Expedited Data"
      service must be negotiated during connection establishment.

      If synchronised order of delivery between Normal and Expedited
      Data TPDU is not required then non-use of "Expedited Data
      Acknowledgement" need not be negotiated during connection

      If Independence of Normal and Expedited data channels is required
      then Forward or Reverse connection must be negotiated during
      connection establishment. Expedited data TPDU must be sent on the
      Expedited data channel.

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RFC 2126              ISO Transport on top of TCP             March 1997

      If Independence of Normal and Expedited data channels is not
      required then Forward connection should be negotiated during
      connection establishment and the Expedited data channels should
      never be established. Expedited data TPDU is then sent inband on
      the Normal data channel.

   Finally please note that independence of Normal and Expedited data
   channels without synchronisation relaxes the Transport Service
   definition of Expedited data and is not consistent with ISO 8072.

6.9 Class 2 Forward Connection procedure

   As defined in ISO 8073, when "Forward Connection" (Splitting and
   Recombining) procedure is used for Expedited Data transmission, ED
   TPDU must only be sent over an outgoing NS-provider TCP connection.

   As defined in ISO 8073, this document does not mandates use of the
   Splitting procedure for Expedited Data transmission. The
   Recombination procedure, which associates Data (normal and expedited)
   TPDUs arriving for a transport connection over two TCP connections
   must be handled.

   It is legal to send Expedited Data TPDU inband on the Normal Data TCP

   Please note that the protocol specified in this document does not
   define when an Expedited Data TCP connection should be established.
   This is an implementation choice.

   When using "Non-blocking Expedited Data" service it is recommended to
   not delay establishing Expedited Data TCP connection.

6.10 TPKT

   This document specifies the value of the TPKT reserved field.

   Implementation should not interpret and act upon any value in a
   reserved field. To avoid Interoperability issues with RFC1006, this
   field should be ignored on input.

7. Rationale - Interoperability with RFC1006

   We have chosen to maintain the same TPKT protocol version in ITOT as
   in RFC1006 (version 3). The reason for this decision is that the
   changes in this document do not conflict with RFC1006. If we were to
   change the protocol version we would prevent existing RFC1006
   implementations which mandate version 3 from interoperating with the
   protocol defined in this document.

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   One consequence of this decision relates to class negotiation.  The
   protocol described in this document introduces Class 2 over TCP, and
   it therefore introduces the need to be able to perform class
   negotiation between Class 2 and Class 0.  While all Transport
   implementations should be able to handle Class negotiation, we
   recognise that some RFC1006 implementations cannot. Therefore
   Implementors should be aware that Class 2 Connect Request (with no
   Alternative class) could be accepted with a Class 0 Connect Confirm,
   at which point the Connect Confirm should be rejected as specified in
   ISO 8073.

8. Security Considerations

   Security issues are not specifically addressed in this document.
   Operation of this protocol is no more and no less secure than
   operation of TCP and ISO 8073 protocols. The reader is directed there
   for further reading.


   The authors are pleased to acknowledge the suggestions and comments
   of Harald T. Alvestrand, Jim Bound, John Day, Mike Dyer, Peter
   Furniss, Dan Harrington, Steve Kille, Keith G. Knightson, Keith
   Sklower, Matt Thomas, Robert Watson and many other members of the
   IETF TOSI mailing list. The support of Allison Mankin of the IESG was


   [ISO8072]  ISO. "International Standard 8072.  Information Processing
              Systems - Open Systems Interconnection: Transport Service

   [ISO8073]  ISO. "International Standard 8073.  Information Processing
              Systems - Open Systems Interconnection: Transport Protocol
              Specification." ISO 8073:1992 and 8073:1992/Amd.5:1995.

   [ISO8348]  ISO. "International Standard 8348.  Information Processing
              Systems - Open Systems Interconnection: Network Service

   [RFC791]   Postel, J., "Internet Protocol", STD 5, RFC 791,
              September 1981.

   [RFC793]   Postel, J., "Transmission Control Protocol", STD 7,
              RFC 793, September 1981.

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   [RFC896]   Nagle, J., "Congestion Control in IP/TCP Inertnetworks",
              RFC 896, January 1984.

   [RFC1006]  Rose, M., and D. Cass, "ISO Transport Services on Top of
              the TCP Version 3", STD 35, RFC 1006, May 1987.

   [RFC1277]  Hardcastle-Kille, S., "Encoding Network Addresses to
              support operation over non-OSI lower layers", RFC 1277,
              November 1991.

   [RFC1278]  Hardcastle-Kille, S., "String encoding of Presentation
              Address", RFC 1278, November 1991.

              A string encoding of Presentation Address
              update to RFC1278, Work in Progress.

   [RFC1859]  Pouffary, Y., "ISO Transport Class 2 Non-use of Explicit
              Flow Control over TCP - RFC1006 extension", RFC 1859,
              October 1995.

   [IPV6]     Deering, S., and R. Hinden, "Internet Protocol, Version 6
              (IPv6) Specification", RFC 1883, December 1995.

              Hinden,, R., and S. Deeing, "IP Version 6 Addressing
              Architecture", RFC 1884, December 1995.

              Bound, J., Carpenter, B., Harrington, D., Houldsworth, J.,
              and A. Lloyd, "OSI NSAPs and IPv6", RFC 1888, August 1996.

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RFC 2126              ISO Transport on top of TCP             March 1997

Authors' Addresses

   Yanick Pouffary
   End Systems Networking
   Digital Equipment Corporation
   Centre Technique (Europe)
   B.P. 027
   950 Routes des colles
   06901 Sophia antipolis, France

   Phone: +33 92-95-62-85
   Fax:   +33 92-95-62-35
   EMail: pouffary@taec.enet.dec.com

   Alan Young
   ISODE Consortium
   The Dome
   The Square
   Richmond, UK

   Phone: +44 181 332 9091
   Fax:   +44 181 332 9019
   EMail: A.Young@isode.com

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